Hours and contacts

Biblioteca Archeologica e Numismatica

The Library is open to the public on appointment only



tel. 02.884.63773; 02.884.63772; 02.88463656

fax 02.884.63800

email: [email protected]  



Via Cimarosa 1, 20144 Milano

The Institute opens to the public on appointment only, on Mondays and Thursdays, fram 9.15 to 16.00


during opening days: tel. 02.884.65285/47948 or during other days tel.: 02.884.64191
fax 02.884.47950

email: [email protected]

Requests for texts or copies from: 9.15 - 12.00; 13.30-15.30
During the lunch break, from 12.00 to 13.30, only those who have already requested a text may remain in the reading room.